Though weight loss is normally linked with women, men are not exempt to the desire or need to lose weight. Men usually have the same battles as women when it comes to the battle of the bulge. The main reason for weight gain lies in the deadly combination of gorging yourself too much with food coupled with too little exercise. This being the case, a lot of men are looking for an successful way to reverse weight gain.
Reasons for Weight Loss
While men usually want to reduce their weight to improve their looks just like women, they are less likely to admit it. However, men also need to maintain a correct level of weight for proper health. Health is incredibly important to everyone, and becomes much more of a focus as you advance in years. Another motive for men to desire to lose weight is so they can execute their job better. Though physically challenging jobs are no longer limited to men, they usually hold more of these types of careers. When a man has a physically demanding job, it becomes more important for him to keep a healthy weight.
Keys for Men's Weight Reduction
The basics to losing weight are the same for men and women for both genders. However, these keys are absolutely important.
Desire - In order to lose weight, you must have an honest desire to lose weight. You must want to lose weight more intensely than you desire the food you generally eat or the slow lifestyle you have become used to.
Focus - A good way to make your desire strong is to list the reasons why you want to reduce your weight in the first place. These may include your physical appearance, your health, or a target such as a class reunion. Making and keeping a list of your motivating factors handy is of great assistance when it comes to keeping your focus.
Conquering Your Pride - One of the main issues that affect some men's weight loss is self esteem. This is because for some reason many men seem to find it manly to eat a lot. This is why the participants of eating competitions are generally men. As a man who has finally decided that it is time to lose weight, you will need to be able to stick to your weight loss target when you get taunts from the other guys. While your buddies are competing to see who can eat the most junk food in the shortest period of time, you will have to maintain to the eating regimen you have selected.
Accountability - It is very useful if you have someone to keep you accountable - preferably someone who is also trying to lose weight like you. Usually this can be your spouse or maybe just a good friend. If the two of you work together to keep each other on the correct routine, you will be much more likely to be successful.
Commitment - You must be dedicated in your commitment to lose weight. It is absolutely important for you to have a "no turning back" attitude when it comes to weight loss. Sometimes you will hit difficult points in your weight loss that you will need to fight through in order achieve your goals.
Goals - Your goals are another important part of losing weight. If you are just trying to lose a little weight without any target in mind, you can much more easily get discouraged and give up. This makes it important to have firmly established goals written down.
Journal - Men tend to be much less likely to keep a food/exercise journal. However, keeping track of exactly what you eat and the exercise you undertake each day will help you to stick to your plan. This is especially important when there is no other person working with you as a partner.
Whatever your motivation for reversing your weight gain, keeping these keys in mind can make success much more attainable. Men tend to lose weight much faster than women, so stay confident as you prepare for battle.
Author Resource:-> Michael Molloy is a qualified fitness and exercise instructor who uses simple techniques that help you Build Muscle and lose weight in the fastest possible time! Visit: Weight Loss for Men and Start Today!
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I’m really trying to focus on my weight for multiple reasons, but the biggest one is because I don’t feel attractive. I know that I am, but sometimes it feels like I can’t get a girlfriend because of my weight, and it severely lowers my self-esteem.i used acai berry breeze that really effective for my weight loss. Thanks
Thanks for your information on men lose weight. Its very helpful for our health. Yes I agree your suggestion. Thank for tips.
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nice blog and very informative~
I’m really trying to focus on my weight for multiple reasons, but the biggest one is because I don’t feel attractive. I know
that I am, but sometimes it feels like I can’t get a girlfriend because of my weight, and it severely lowers my self-esteem.So i used Acai berry and Alli Products,really effective for weight loss to me.
i like your site theres some other things men can do to lose weight tho other than the tips you provided check out www.muscleoctane.com
your post is a big help to a chubby like me!
I like that you have identified the psychological factors involved. Many people simply cite the diet and exercise routine and skip over the changing of your mentality to achieve weight loss.
You have to really want to lose weight before any program will show results; the program has to have defined goals which are both challenging and achievable.
nice article! i think that a lot of people will not commit properly when trying to lose weight and then wonder why they do not see results.
Also, keeping at the weight that you want requires a totally different attitude to food and exercise which a lot of people don't understand.
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I’m really trying to focus on my weight for multiple reasons, but the biggest one is because I don’t feel attractive.hope this tips helps me lot.
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