Fat Burning Foods

Posted by virgel | 4:37 AM | , , , , , | 0 comments »
Related Posts with Thumbnails One of the secret in losing weight is eating and drinking the right food...fat burning ones! Recent research by scientist shows that there are certain natural foods which helps our metabolism in flashing out that excessive fat in our body. Some of this foods are already on our dinner table on a daily basis without us even knowing that it helps us burn fats.

Here are the list of Fat Burning Foods:

1. Citrus Fruits
- The obvious one, citrus fruits contain high concentrations of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid which help reduces the effectiveness of fat. It reduces its content and can liquefy or dilute fat. By diluting the fat, it makes it less effective, and easier to flush out of your system. Vitamin C also works on cholesterol deposits. Vitamin C can help burn out the cholesterol, hence, making it difficult for cholesterol deposits to form in blood vessels.

2. Dairy Products, specifically, skim milk yogurt and cheese
- Research suggests that drinking two glasses of skim milk or eating two cups of yogurt or a serving of cheese per day may result to weight-loss without reducing the calorie in your diet. It was discovered that the mineral calcium burns stored fat, while promoting the buildup of more muscle tissue. This unique combination of calcium and protein present in skim milk, yogurt, and cheese helps the body burn fat and store protein. Be sure to use low-fat or nonfat milk, yogurt and cheeses, these products the same vitamins and minerals as whole milk without unwanted fat content.

3. Red wine
- You must probably know by now that red wine has fat burning properties and is good for the heart. Resveratrol, a compound in red wine, stimulates the body to block a receptor on fat cells, causing them to breakdown more quickly and preventing new fat cells from forming. Resveratrol comes from the skin of grapes, fresh grapes, grape juice. White wine also have the same effect, though it's not as strong as that of red wine.

4. Garlic Oil
- Yup, you read it right! Garlic oil or the juice of garlic has a significant protective quality which helps us fight unwanted stored fats, it has the power to reduce fat in your cells dramatically. When taken, it brings the level of fat down. Aside from the fat burning qualities of garlic, it also has an antibiotic properties which can be use to cure ailments. It is also use to cure bacterial infections.

Other fat burning foods are:
5. Tea
6. Chili
7. Carrots
8. Broccoli
9. Watermelon
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