I listed down 9 habits that will ruin your goal of getting that perfect figure you always wanted. It will also make you think twice of continuing this habits and hopefully your weight loss goals will stay on track. I am hoping that this article could give you a better understanding on how our body gain fat. Some of the habits mentioned below are so common to the point that it has become our routine.
List of ways to bloat yourself in a snap:
1. Impulsive eating
- Treat yourself every time your mouth waters, and oh, don't mind calorie or fat content! try to keep this habit and you will break your bathroom weighing scale sooner than you can say huh!.
2. Drink less water
- Eight glasses a day? are you kidding?! Drinking a lot of water will only cause your body to drop any excess water you are holding. Burning calories requires an adequate supply of water in your body, dehydration slows down the fat-burning process. But i bet that is not your goal, isn't it?
3. Sweet tooth
- What? you are a chocoholic?,I understand that you can't resist those mouth watering treats, so go on treat yourself with these sweets until your teeth falls off or watch yourself bloat like a puffer fish!
4. Midnight snack anyone?
- Ahh! what could be a better way to treat yourself other than a midnight snack. Pfff! don't mind what they say, just tip toe your way to your fridge while your partner is dreaming about fat burning foods and weighing scales, what? weighing scale? is that new name for chocolate bar?
5. Cola hoola
- Are you serious? say what? you can't live without soft drink? oh dear! OK then, drown yourself with soft drink to pump up your insulin level.
Insulin only helps the body store carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but i guess you don't mind that too. Oh I'm sorry, you are drinking diet soft drinks? well just be sure not to drink it along with fatty foods or you will forget the word weight loss.
6. Lazy dog
- Just lye don't and watch the world go by, don't exercise!, turn on the TV and watch your favorite show all day, sit in front of your computer chat or blog away from sun up to sun down. Well who knows, you might have a good career as a sumo wrestler!
7. Skip meals
- Always in a hurry huh? no time for breakfast right? Well i understand how busy you are, so go on skip meals, slow your metabolism down so that your body will store the food you eat as fat. Eating breakfast will increases your metabolism by 30% so instead of burning 70 cals, u burn 100! but hey who cares right? by skipping meals you will be a chub, isn't that cute?
8. Bottoms up!
- I know you are in a lot of stress lately but you need to slow down with your alcohol intake too. Alcohol inhibits both the fat-burning enzymes and the muscle-building hormones in your body for many hours after consumption. It is preferentially stored as fat and is very efficiently converted into fat in the body. I know you enjoy having a can of beer in your hand while watching kung fu movies on your DVD but you need to moderate it.You can't? well sure okay, drink away and watch your belly sag down to the floor!
9. Night watcher
- Stay up all night and chat or blog about your miseries or fix your eyes on your TV 24/7 until your eyes fall off and soon you will achieve your goal of bloating yourself up in a snap! Don't get enough sleep so that your body will produce a stress hormone called cortisol which will lead to fat storage and muscle loss. Maximize it by heavy smoking and drinking until the moon say goodbye, isn't that sweet?
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No doubt.Every obesity man's dream is in which way he get loose his weight.It is not right that you follow the dating.You can adopt other techniques such as daily excercise.You must follow the doctors for your better understanding and belief.
Nice post
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Its not matter that your are fat u try to loose that fatness by dieting or regular check up with doctor..naat .
if u want to loose ur fatness u have to dieteing regularly.cheap cosmetics.
fatness is very bad.plz.be reduce ur fatness .it is better for ur health.thanks.car rental.
When you want to loose ur fatness you always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise routine.
Really a nice post.
Thanks for sharing you...
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there are good tips..really..well its easy to say..but harder to make it real...but nothings impossible..all is set up in your head..just focus on it..choose your goals..and keep the tips in your mind...exercies + good diet..good results prescription drugs
I am guilty of habits #1 and #3.
polar s625x
Well put! Sometimes I think people forget to drink enough water and completely overlook the part about sleeping enough and drinking alcohol. I can tell you from personal experience that rectifying those too issues can give your diet a real boost.
Habits to Gain Fat is too good for me .............
Internet Marketing Online
I like this 9 habits to reduce fatness. anyway thanks for sharing your nice post........
Goji Berry