7 Key Points To Help Men Lose Weight

Posted by virgel | 7:50 AM | 12 comments »

Though weight loss is normally linked with women, men are not exempt to the desire or need to lose weight. Men usually have the same battles as women when it comes to the battle of the bulge. The main reason for weight gain lies in the deadly combination of gorging yourself too much with food coupled with too little exercise. This being the case, a lot of men are looking for an successful way to reverse weight gain.

Reasons for Weight Loss

While men usually want to reduce their weight to improve their looks just like women, they are less likely to admit it. However, men also need to maintain a correct level of weight for proper health. Health is incredibly important to everyone, and becomes much more of a focus as you advance in years. Another motive for men to desire to lose weight is so they can execute their job better. Though physically challenging jobs are no longer limited to men, they usually hold more of these types of careers. When a man has a physically demanding job, it becomes more important for him to keep a healthy weight.

Keys for Men's Weight Reduction
The basics to losing weight are the same for men and women for both genders. However, these keys are absolutely important.

  • Desire - In order to lose weight, you must have an honest desire to lose weight. You must want to lose weight more intensely than you desire the food you generally eat or the slow lifestyle you have become used to.

  • Focus - A good way to make your desire strong is to list the reasons why you want to reduce your weight in the first place. These may include your physical appearance, your health, or a target such as a class reunion. Making and keeping a list of your motivating factors handy is of great assistance when it comes to keeping your focus.

  • Conquering Your Pride - One of the main issues that affect some men's weight loss is self esteem. This is because for some reason many men seem to find it manly to eat a lot. This is why the participants of eating competitions are generally men. As a man who has finally decided that it is time to lose weight, you will need to be able to stick to your weight loss target when you get taunts from the other guys. While your buddies are competing to see who can eat the most junk food in the shortest period of time, you will have to maintain to the eating regimen you have selected.

  • Accountability - It is very useful if you have someone to keep you accountable - preferably someone who is also trying to lose weight like you. Usually this can be your spouse or maybe just a good friend. If the two of you work together to keep each other on the correct routine, you will be much more likely to be successful.

  • Commitment - You must be dedicated in your commitment to lose weight. It is absolutely important for you to have a "no turning back" attitude when it comes to weight loss. Sometimes you will hit difficult points in your weight loss that you will need to fight through in order achieve your goals.

  • Goals - Your goals are another important part of losing weight. If you are just trying to lose a little weight without any target in mind, you can much more easily get discouraged and give up. This makes it important to have firmly established goals written down.

  • Journal - Men tend to be much less likely to keep a food/exercise journal. However, keeping track of exactly what you eat and the exercise you undertake each day will help you to stick to your plan. This is especially important when there is no other person working with you as a partner.

Whatever your motivation for reversing your weight gain, keeping these keys in mind can make success much more attainable. Men tend to lose weight much faster than women, so stay confident as you prepare for battle.

Author Resource:-> Michael Molloy is a qualified fitness and exercise instructor who uses simple techniques that help you Build Muscle and lose weight in the fastest possible time! Visit: Weight Loss for Men and Start Today!

Article From Articles Haven

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How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Posted by virgel | 7:42 AM | , , , , | 3 comments »

Being pregnant is wonderful feeling which every women in the world wants to go through once in their lifetime. Pregnancy comes with all sorts of highs and lows in the life of women. You have dealt with many issues of morning sickness, cramps, swelling, indigestion, constipation and so on. The list goes on and on. However after pregnancy also you have to deal with your biggest problem which is excess weight. It’s very normal for you to feel unattractive after pregnancy and you will want to achieve your original size as soon as possible. What you don’t understand is that you took full nine months to get in that shape so getting back into your original shape will take time and patience.

However there are certain tips which will help you regain your attractive figure. First don’t over do it keep in mind that you have to achieve healthy body and also be able look after your newborn. A good workout should leave you feeling energized and happy not tired and weak. The baby also needs you as your body but also don’t make taking care of baby as an excuse for not to work out else your goal of losing weight after pregnancy will never happen.

Diet is important:

Second ask your doctor to provide you with a suitable diet plan which provides you with all the nutrition which your body requires. If body is fit then only you can go ahead with the task of achieving weight loss else you will achieve weak body and have less energy to deal with your infants needs.

Third start slowly but with steady action plan. Plan an hour or so in which you pay attention only to your body and no one else then do those easy to do tasks which will help you lose weight such as walk for half an hour slowly and slowly take it to an hour. Fourth do gentle exercises which will help you lose weight efficiently? Also add up exercises to make your uterus return to its usual size. Fifth eat healthy food and avoid eating junk food. Eat more of fruits and nutritive food like nuts, vegetables and whole grains etc.

Sixth start eating for one process till the time the baby was in the womb it was taking his/her intake from your food intake. However now it’s not like that so reduce your intake of food. Instead eat high density food which provides energy and makes you feel full such as low fat dairy products, poultry products, green vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Seventh breastfeeding helps in reducing weight. It burns about 500 calories per day so as much as you breastfeed you burn as much as calories. Also when you are nursing your baby you would be always on your toes which would help you keep fit. Eighth start doing different forms of exercises such as yoga great for relaxation of mind , body and soul; aerobics – great for losing weight and walking – great for whole body. Ninth take your baby for evening strolls in the pram. Yes your baby will like to be out in the pram and this will give you to bond with him as well as provide a great workout for your body.

Tenth drink loads of water it helps in flushing your toxins also helps in making you little full which helps you cut down on excess intake of food. Eleventh avoid temptations, eat only when you’re hungry and eat smaller portions. Now finally all you have to do is have full determination towards your goal of loosing that excess weight. Just follow these simple but effective tips to lose weight effectively. However the weight loss will not be drastic but will certainly last longer and provide you with your original figure.

Losing weight can be achieved with a careful attention to diet and well laid out plan of action. Also if you are exercising your way to lose weight just ensure you don’t over do it. Also you can make your routine fun by turning it to be constructive experience towards your weight loss agenda.

About the Author:-> Jonathon is a health and fitness writer and researcher. Learn useful tips on how to burn fat at his site at http://www.lose-weight101.com

Article Source: Articles Haven

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Safe Exercise During Your Pregnancy

Posted by virgel | 7:30 AM | , , , , | 4 comments »
Exercise during pregnancy helps you to stay fit and healthy through out the nine months. A good expert suggested workout will improve your stamina and strength in muscles thus helps you to prepare for a less complicated delivery. Exercise also helps you to maintain the perfect weight during pregnancy.

It helps you to stay away from general sicknesses that happen during pregnant time. But before starting to workout you must remember that as a pregnant you need a different kind of workout formats which are specially meant for pregnant women. Workouts have to be changed every month keeping the growth of fetus in mind. It’s important that you take the advice of your doctor before you start working out. Many women tend to think that exercises during pregnancy might harm their baby. There are lots of misconceptions for them about miscarriages, and they end up taking bed rest all the time. But that’s not correct; in fact your rigidness being at bed rest might give some health problems.

‘What kinds of exercises are safe for me as a pregnant woman?’ This is the burning question for many ladies who think about workouts during pregnancy. Well, a mild exercise which isn’t exhaustive by nature will do lot of good to your body. A simple morning walk is a best way to start your morning during pregnancy.

You no need to worry about the months; you can simply walk for sometime every day, even on your ninth month. Jogging too keeps you fit during pregnancy times, but jogging for longer times isn’t suggested especially during later months where fetus grows big. Some special yoga exercises will help to maintain a good healthy heart, blood circulation system and perfect blood pressures. However you need to practice them with instructions of a well trained coach.

Low impact aerobic exercises will help you to keep active all the day and reduces the nausea which is common among pregnant ladies. Cycling on stationery cycles is also a safe way to work out during pregnancy. Swimming is another best and safe way of working out. Dancing too is a good way to spend some calories but you should avoid too many twists and turns during dance.

Very important things you have to keep in mind during physical activities is, that you be aware and stay safe all the time. A simple fall or a little injury to the stomach might prove worse. Make sure you work out either in morning or in evening. Exercising in hot surroundings makes you to exhaust quickly. Your diet plan needs to be readjusted according to expert’s advice once you start working out. Make sure you take plenty of water regularly as exercise will create enormous heat in body.

It’s always safe to work out in gyms or under other’s presence to avoid any unwanted fall outs and injuries. If you have any heart complaint or any other health complaints in past, you need to consult your doctor before you can start doing any workouts.

To Your Health!

About the Author: Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women. http://www.womenscenter.com/

Article Source: Articles Haven

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How to Lose Weight in 30 days

Posted by virgel | 1:02 AM | , , , , , | 15 comments »
I know that losing weight is easier said than done but let me share to you the ways to lose weight in 30 days. This is not a joke nor advertising trap that will lead you to buy an e-book or a weight loss cd.
This is my personal experience that i will gladly share to you all. Before I started this blog I was finding ways to be back in shape. At that time I was 13 pounds heavier than i used to which was 127 pounds or 58 kilograms.

Determined to get rid of the extra weight I search for every possible solution. After noting some useful tips i found along the way i began to apply them. Losing weight differs from person to person, some may lose weight faster than others. What I'm about to share might not work to some people, so please don't put the blame on me if you don't get any result from this. I hope that's clear, so let's get that out of the way and proceed with the list.

The things i have done that lead me to lose weight.

- I set a time table to achieve my goal which is 1 month.
- I added fat burning veggies to my daily diet.
- I drank a lot of water every time I feel unnecessary hunger. This trick allowed my body not to feel hungry thereby avoiding unnecessary eating.

- I began my day by doing a little exercise before taking a shower.
- I started eating breakfast before going to work, sometimes I would run out of time so i just pack my breakfast and bring it along with me. I did not allow myself to start my work without having a breakfast.
- I replaced my usual snack to a fruit base one, i found out that munching apples in substantial quantity could actually make you full for a period of time, i also tried banana, pears and grapes.

- During lunch break i would walk my way to the cafeteria and spend a minute or two burning fat by walking.
- I would usually reach out for the fruits I brought along during afternoon breaks.

- I opted for a Light Dinner and I periodically replaced it with sweet potato or fruit diet, I made a fruit salad consisting of banana, apples, grapes and papaya dressed with low fat yogurt instead of mayonnaise.
- I've taken advantage of my computer breaks by doing some stretching and brisks exercise.
- I exercise 2 hours before the designated time to sleep, my purpose is to tire myself up to avoid staying late at night.
- I stopped drinking beer. I blame beer for the extra fat on my belly.

I did the things on the list day in and day out, i also checked my progress constantly. The result was rather rewarding, i lost 8.8 pounds which is a bit short of my target but for me it was already an astonishing achievement.

*image by weightfitness tips and reviews
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9 Habits to Gain Fat

Posted by virgel | 10:26 PM | , , | 10 comments »
gain fatWho would want to gain fat? certainly not me and surely not you. Then you might want to ask why did I write this article and what is it all about. Well, weight loss is every weight watchers dream but I reckon that in order to get rid of fat you must first understand how you gain it. Have you heard the phrase "prevention is better than cure", this post is exactly about preventing yourself from getting that unwanted fat by understanding how our body gain it.

I listed down 9 habits that will ruin your goal of getting that perfect figure you always wanted. It will also make you think twice of continuing this habits and hopefully your weight loss goals will stay on track. I am hoping that this article could give you a better understanding on how our body gain fat. Some of the habits mentioned below are so common to the point that it has become our routine.

List of ways to bloat yourself in a snap:

1. Impulsive eating
- Treat yourself every time your mouth waters, and oh, don't mind calorie or fat content! try to keep this habit and you will break your bathroom weighing scale sooner than you can say huh!.

2. Drink less water
- Eight glasses a day? are you kidding?! Drinking a lot of water will only cause your body to drop any excess water you are holding. Burning calories requires an adequate supply of water in your body, dehydration slows down the fat-burning process. But i bet that is not your goal, isn't it?

3. Sweet tooth
- What? you are a chocoholic?,I understand that you can't resist those mouth watering treats, so go on treat yourself with these sweets until your teeth falls off or watch yourself bloat like a puffer fish!

4. Midnight snack anyone?
- Ahh! what could be a better way to treat yourself other than a midnight snack. Pfff! don't mind what they say, just tip toe your way to your fridge while your partner is dreaming about fat burning foods and weighing scales, what? weighing scale? is that new name for chocolate bar?

5. Cola hoola
- Are you serious? say what? you can't live without soft drink? oh dear! OK then, drown yourself with soft drink to pump up your insulin level.
Insulin only helps the body store carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but i guess you don't mind that too. Oh I'm sorry, you are drinking diet soft drinks? well just be sure not to drink it along with fatty foods or you will forget the word weight loss.

6. Lazy dog
- Just lye don't and watch the world go by, don't exercise!, turn on the TV and watch your favorite show all day, sit in front of your computer chat or blog away from sun up to sun down. Well who knows, you might have a good career as a sumo wrestler!

7. Skip meals
- Always in a hurry huh? no time for breakfast right? Well i understand how busy you are, so go on skip meals, slow your metabolism down so that your body will store the food you eat as fat. Eating breakfast will increases your metabolism by 30% so instead of burning 70 cals, u burn 100! but hey who cares right? by skipping meals you will be a chub, isn't that cute?

8. Bottoms up!
- I know you are in a lot of stress lately but you need to slow down with your alcohol intake too. Alcohol inhibits both the fat-burning enzymes and the muscle-building hormones in your body for many hours after consumption. It is preferentially stored as fat and is very efficiently converted into fat in the body. I know you enjoy having a can of beer in your hand while watching kung fu movies on your DVD but you need to moderate it.You can't? well sure okay, drink away and watch your belly sag down to the floor!

9. Night watcher
- Stay up all night and chat or blog about your miseries or fix your eyes on your TV 24/7 until your eyes fall off and soon you will achieve your goal of bloating yourself up in a snap! Don't get enough sleep so that your body will produce a stress hormone called cortisol which will lead to fat storage and muscle loss. Maximize it by heavy smoking and drinking until the moon say goodbye, isn't that sweet?

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